Tablet General Care

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This article is part of the

WSU Tablet Series


Tablets are sensitive electronic devices and it is best to treat them with care at all times. The hardest to prevent, but most important action to avoid is to not drop the device. Always be careful with the tablet and try to hold it securely whenever possible. Dropping the device can cause severe damage, particularly to the screen. If you ever do drop the tablet bring it in to the Technical Support Center to get it looked at immediately.

The tablet is not designed to get wet so be sure to keep liquids away from it, like any sort of drinks or spills. If the device ever does get wet do not try to dry it with a towel, this will just push the liquid into the device further, also, do not attempt at drying it with a hair dryer, this will also push the liquid into the device further and may cause heat damage as well. Bring the tablet into Tech Support immediately to get it checked out if you spill on it or place it in a liquid.

Make sure you wipe down the screen regularly. Apple/Samsung recommend using a microfiber cloth and small cleaning devices can be found in many of your favorite stores. You do not need to use a liquid cleaning agent when cleaning the tablet. If you choose to use a liquid, a small amount of water applied to the cloth you will be using to clean the device is acceptable. Never spray water directly onto the tablet.

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