Draft:COVID In-person Student Readiness Checklist

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Covid-19 icon.png FREQUENT UPDATES: This article contains guidance related to COVID-19 that is subject to change. Check the COVID-19 Response at WSU site for the latest information and direct all questions about this article to TLT (tlt@winona.edu).

The COVID In-person Student Readiness Checklist includes all the new, COVID-related information that instructors teaching fully in-person classes may need to communicate to their students before the first day of the fall term, Monday, August 23rd. Not all checklist items apply to every course and some courses will have unique, course-specific tasks that are not included in this checklist.

Checklist items

  1. Face coverings in the classroom. All students should come to your class wearing an approved face covering. Consider informing your students about your decision to wear a face shield or teach without a face covering or face shield. Inform your students if they will be engaging in any activities where they might decide to remove their face covering and/or wear a face shield.
  2. Classroom public health behaviors. Add any class, room, or activity-specific public health behavior expectations (e.g., mask usage, social distancing, handling physical objects in class) to your syllabus, especially if they modify general campus guidance.
  3. Additional meeting locations. Inform your students if you plan to meet outdoors, meet in multiple rooms, or reserve a room for office hours.
  4. Interacting outside class time. Inform students about any special arrangements or preferences related to meeting with them outside of class time, including office hours, asking questions before and after class, or just meeting on campus.
  5. Handling COVID-related absences. Inform students how you will manage any COVID-related student absences.
  6. Moving online. Inform your students about how you plan to manage the class if the university migrates all courses online.

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