Faculty Exchange/Meghan Sinning Discusses Tablets

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General Information

  • Audience - All WSU instructors interested in tablets in their courses.
  • Interview Date - 1/5/2016
  • Tools Used - iPad

Meet the Faculty Member

Meghan Sinning, WSU Assistant Professor in Special Education, received her B.S. from Arizona State University and M.S. at Winona State University. Her areas of expertise fall in the areas of Learning Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities, Behavior Management, Transition, Collaborative Teaching, and After-school programming.

Viewing the Interview Segments

The full interview is divided into eleven segments. Select play to begin viewing Segment 1. To advance to another segments at any time by using the Next Next button.

Segment Descriptions

  1. Introduction
  2. Could you talk specifically how you use tablets in your classes? Here Megahan describes the scope of her use of tablets in a variety of way in and outside her classes.
  3. What does the tablet provide student that you wouldn't otherwise be able to do? Here she explains the way group work is enhanced by allowing students the ability to collaborate and share documents as they work on projects.
  4. What are some of the outcomes you are seeing in terms of student learning?The strategy Megahan is focused on in earlier classes is apps and programs (see Related Articles below) that are basic productivity tools that will serve every student throughout their program especially when they are out teaching in schools that might not have budgets all the technology we enjoy at WSU.
  5. Please go a little deeper into how you are using tablets in specific assignments? Here she explains the reasoning behind low stakes use of video, for example, early in the program allows a student multiple opportunities to fail and earn from these important failures so that when they are require to produce high quality videos by the end of their program they will succeed.
  6. Could you explain how your are using the tablets in field? Here Meghan provides rich context for the different programs use the tablets in conjunction with area school or for her grading.
  7. What types of outcomes are you seeing from using the tablet?A trend she notes from class is that use of tables seems to be more of a resource versus more as a distraction.
  8. What other outcomes are you seeing?The use of Quizlet allows her to track not only use inside her class, but other classes across the institution.
  9. What would you tell other faculty considering doing this assignment?The easiest app would probably note taking. Meghan says that this is the easiest tool to pickup and has considerable functionality for you and your students.
  10. Where did you go to learn about using your tablet?TLT is her recommendation to learn about the tablet.
  11. What are you planning next for your tablet?Grading is the tool she would like to focus on next.

Good Practices

  • Build Low-stakes Assignments: Let them fail early and often will allow a student to focus on learning the app deeply so that when they face the higher-stakes assignments they will have mastered the tool.
  • Video Provides Excellent Feedback:The tablet is excellent for recording video and gives the student many new ways to reflect on their presentation assignments.

Key Outcomes

  • The tablet is light and easy to grab and use in the field, classroom, and for documenting student feedback.
  • Student use of the tablet in the classroom is viewed more as a resource with a specific purpose rather than a distraction.

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