DLC Spring 2020 Class Projects/Patricia Malotka

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Project Details


For Professor Malotka's Marketing 333 course, you will be utilizing a very powerful Adobe product called InDesign. InDesign is a sophisticated application for the design of professional layouts for print and digital publishing. This tool breaks down the barriers between online and offline publishing allowing you to Create compelling print layouts. During our time together in class, we will make sure your copy of InDesign is working and walk through the many resources found in LinkedIn Learning to become proficient with this tool. We also will be setting up a LinkedIn account during our time together and the directions for doing this on your own are provide in the video below.


  • InDesign
  • LinkedIn and LinkedIn Learning

Installing Adobe InDesign

For this class, you will need to install the InDesign application. To access all the Adobe tools you will need to use the Software Center. The following two links take you to the PC and Mac versions to begin downloading.

Setting up a LinkedIn Account

This video provides all the detials for setting up your LinkedIn Account.

This is a great article (see here Allstar Tips) to check out if you want to learn more about creating a powerful LinkedIn profile.

Using LinkedIn Learning Courses

LinkedIn Learning logo.png

LinkedIn Learning currently has 108 courses and over 4,000 videos dedicated to learning the many different components of InDesign. This might seem a bit overwhelming, but don't worry we have created a list of LinkedIn Learning courses to help you use these many tools. If you are new to LinkedIn you will need to create an account. All WSU employees and students can create a LinkedIn Learning account, but the steps vary depending on where you are located The following article walks you through the process of creating your account from any location. The article Activating my LinkedIn Learning Account also has many more resources for you to check out if you are having problems with your account or need just need help.

Account Activation

LinkedIn Learning Courses for InDesign


The InDesign CC 2018 Essential Training course is the definitive course you should check out as you start to learn about this tool. I would also recommend David Blatner and Anne-Marie Concepción's

Go Really Deep

DLC STARS/Presenter

  • Chad Kjorlien

Other Resources

DLC Support

  • Phone: 507-457-2206
  • Email: dlc@winona.edu
  • 1:1 Support: Krueger Library #105