DLC Spring 2024 Class Projects/Joan Bendix

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Kaltura Capture Icon.PNG

Project Details

This project is designed to help students within Professor Morken's course EDFD 420 to record components for your group video project. In this resource you will learn all about the tool we will be using (Kaltura Capture) to record and share your presentations in discussion board posts. The steps involved to complete your recording with Kaltura Capture are provided below. Also, the directions for editing your videos down to 10 min and uploading the final version to D2L BrightSpace.

Downloading Kaltura Capture

To access the Kaltura Capture you will need to follow the steps provided below.

  1. Use your favorite web browser to log into your MediaSpace account at mediaspace.minnstate.edu using your Star ID username and password. This will take you to your My Media page.
  2. Select Kaltura Capture from the Add New menu (this can be found in the top right corner of the page.).
  3. Two options for downloading Kaltura Capture will be listed (PC and Mac) and after clicking on the appropriate version you will be asked to install the software vide setup wizard.
    Kaltura Capture Download.PNG
  4. Once you have installed the recorder, you will need to restart your browser and log back into MediaSpace and launch the Kaltura Capture recording tool.

Recording and Editing in Kaltura Capture

Kaltura Capture.PNG

1. Select Kaltura Capture icon on your desktop or applications/programs folder. This will launch the desktop recorder. (NOTE: If you have not used Kaltura Capture before you will have to download the recorder.

2. The recorder will detect any cameras connected to your computer and show this in an image thumbnail. You may turn off the camera for this assignment as it is not required by clicking on the camera icon. When the camera is off the icon will turn white as in the clip below.

Camera off.PNG

3. Next, you will need to select the screen you wish to capture. This is done by using the pull-down menu to the right of the screen capture icon as shown in the clip below. Also, make sure to set for Full Screen' to capture your entire display area or you may need at times to Select Area for recording a smaller section of your screen to capture detailed information on your screen.

Full capture.PNG

4. If you are using a microphone other than your computers built-in device, you will need to select it from the list below the microphone icon.

Microphone for Kaltura Capture.PNG

5. Once you have the desired setting you can hit the red record button and the recorder will give you a 3...2...1 count down. Once recording you will have a recorder that gives you the time of your recording along with digital ink functionality for annotating on your screen (see clip below for an expanded view of this menu).

Digital Ink.PNG

Note: During your recording, you are able to Pause the video. You can also Cancel the recording by clicking on the X in the recorder and start over if needed. When you are done recording, select the Stop button (White box in the recorder) and you will be asked if you want to stop and you should select Yes, Stop it.

6. Next, you will see a preview window where you can play back your video, provide a descriptive title, save, and then select Save and Upload button. This step saves a copy of your video locally on your computer and a version is uploaded to your MediaSpace account. Center

8. Once the process is completed, you can optionally select the link within the window and go into MediaSpace to view your recording. Do not copy this link to share your video. It is not the link to your recording. It may take a few minutes for your video to appear in MediaSpace. (If it has been more than 5 minutes and your video has not appeared in MediaSpace, try refreshing your page or logging back in.)

Posting Your Video in Brightspace Discussions

For this assignment, you will be posting your videos to the D2L BrightSpace Discussions. To add a MediaSpace recording to a Brightspace discussion post:

1. Open the Brightspace discussion topic and select Start a New Thread or Reply, This will open the Brightspace HTML Editor.

2. Add a post title.

3. Compose your post by adding text if desired.

4. Position the cursor where you want to insert the MediaSpace recording and select the Insert Stuff button.


5. Select Kaltura Media (see below) from the Insert Stuff choices.

Discussions My Media.JPG

6. Content from your MyMedia account in MediaSpace will appear and you can select the file you want to insert by clicking the Embed button and then Next (see below).


7.Select the Insert button.

8. Add more text to the post if desired.

9. Select the Post button to submit your post.

Addition Kaltura Capture Resources

CaptureSpace Trimming Tool

DLC STARS/Presenter

Chad Kjorlien

  • Phone: 507-457-5167
  • Email: ckjorlien@winona.edu
  • Office: Krueger Library #104

Other Resources

DLC Support

  • Phone: 507-457-2206
  • Email: dlc@winona.edu
  • 1:1 Support: Krueger Library #105