Associating Quizzes with Grade Items

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Intended Audience

This article is intended for instructors interested in using Brightspace Quiz tool for online assessments in their courses.


The Quiz tool allows you to associate quizzes scores to grade book items. In this article, you will learn how to automatically export grades from a quiz to the grade book.

Associating Quizzes with Grade Items

  1. Go to Quizzes from the Assessments option in the navbar.
  2. Access the quiz you wish to associate with an item in your grade book.
  3. Switch to the Assessments tab.
  4. Make sure to choose the Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately upon completion in the Automatic Grade section.
  5. Associate this item with a grad item in your grade book by pulling the menu down and choosing the correct item.
  6. Make sure to check the Allow automatic export to grades box.
  7. Choose Save and Close button.

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