DLC Spring 2022 Class Projects/Amy Hermodson

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Project Details

This project is designed to help students within Professor Hermodson's courses record with your webcam via the MediaSpace Express Capture. In this resource, you will learn all about the process of recording with Express Capture and embed your videos to a D2L Brightspace Assignment Submission Folder.

Recording in MediaSpace Express Capture

Follow the steps below to start, stop, upload, and save webcam recordings:

1. Use your favorite web browser to login to your MediaSpace account at mediaspace.minnstate.edu using your Star ID username and password. This will take you to your My Media page.

2. Select Express Capture from the Add New menu.

Add New Express Capture Menu.JPG

3. Click the red 'Record button to begin recording. The browser might prompt you to "allow" it to use your camera and microphone. Select Allow in both cases.

Express Capture Record Button.JPG

4. Once you are done recording select the Stop button.

Stop Recording Button.JPG

5. Next, you have the following options:

  • Watch your recording by clicking the play button
  • Rerecord
  • Download a copy
  • Use this recording

You will need to click on the Use this to save the recording to MediaSpace in order to submit it to the D2L Discussion Board.

Use This.JPG

Embedding videos in D2L Brightspace Assignment

Once your content is posted in MediaSpace and finished processing you can begin to post it to a D2L Brightspace Assignment Submission Folder.

1. Go to the Assessments menu of your Brightspace course and choose the Assignments option.

2. Within the Assignments page, select the Assignment Submission Folder you want to embed your video or audio files.

3. Within the Assignment Submission Folder, click on the Insert Stuff button(2).

Insert Stuff.jpg

4. A series of media tools will be on this page and you will choose the My Media (you may need to scroll down to see this).

Discussions My Media.JPG

5. You should see all your content load and can choose the one you are going to use by choosing the Select button and hit the "Next" button in the lower-left corner. Note:If you do not see your video or audio files you may have your browser blocking pop-ups to this site and need to adjust this setting.

6. Click on the Insert button.

7. Click the Submit button and you are done.

Additional Resources

DLC STARS/Presenter

Chad Kjorlien

  • Phone: 507-457-5167
  • Email: ckjorlien@winona.edu
  • Office: Krueger Library #104

Other Resources

DLC Support

  • Phone: 507-457-2206
  • Email: dlc@winona.edu
  • 1:1 Support: Krueger Library #105