Printing your Brightspace quiz

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From time to time, teachers want to print copies of their quizzes for use in special accommodations or as an archive of past testing materials. The Quiz tool in Brightspace does not include a direct mechanism for printing quizzes. This article shows options for printing quizzes by simulating a print command within Brightspace.

Timing & Display: Paging Options
Timing & Display: Paging Options

Preparing before you print

If you have set up your quiz to present multiple pages of questions, you will want to temporarily override the Questions per page setting so all questions are displayed at once. Be sure to remember the original number of questions per page because you will want to reset the parameter once you have printed the quiz.

  1. Click Assessment from the main navigation and choose Quizzes from the pop-up menu.
  2. On the ride-side panel, ensure that you have selected All questions displayed together from the Timing & Display menu.
  3. Click Save and Close.

If you needed to change the number of questions per page to print your quiz, be sure to set it back to the original value after you complete your print job.

Printing a quiz without answers

  1. Click Assessment from the main navigation and choose Quizzes from the pop-up menu.
  2. Click the little arrow behind the name of the quiz you want to print and select Preview from the pop-up.
  3. Click the blue Start Quiz! button.
  4. Select a portion of text from the first question (not the responses).
  5. Print the page (Ctrl + P for PCs, Command + P for Macs).
  6. In the print preview, ensure that all questions are displayed.
  7. Proceed with printing as usual.
Printing Quiz
Printing Quiz

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