Review Brightspace quiz statistics

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Instructors can review Brightspace quiz statistics to analyze quiz performance. Performance can be analyzed by student or by question. Common descriptive statistics, including measures of question reliability (e.g., point biserial correlation coefficient) are available and quiz data can be exported to CSV and Excel formats for additional analysis.

Access statistics

To access the statistics for any quiz, open a Brightspace course, select Quizzes from the Assessments menu, and follow the steps below:

  • Select Statistics from the context menu of the quiz (Fig 1)
  • Select the User Stats tab to view statistics by student (Fig 2)
  • Select the Question Stats tab to view statistics by question (Fig 3)
  • Select the Question Details tab to view the details for each question, including response frequencies (Fig 4)

What do the statistics on this page mean?

All statistics are calculated based on each user’s first attempt on the quiz. If a question is changed after attempts have been made, only the attempts on the newest version of the question are included in the statistics (ie. First attempts made before a question was changed are not included in the statistics for that question).

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation indicates how much scores vary from the average, ranging from 0% to 100%. A high standard deviation indicates that scores are spread out from the average, whereas a low standard deviation indicates that scores are close to the average.

Discrimination Index

The discrimination index indicates how well a question differentiates between high and low performers. It can range from -100% to 100%, with high values indicating a “good” question, and low values indicating a “bad” question.

Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient

The point biserial correlation coefficient is an analysis only applied to multiple choice and true/false question types that have only one answer with weight 100%, and all others with weight 0%.

Similarly to the discrimination index, the point biserial correlation coefficient relates individuals’ quiz scores to whether or not they got a question correct. It ranges from -1.00 to 1.00, with high values indicating a “good” question, and low values indicating a “bad” question.

*Note that only first attempts with scores between 0% and 100% on a question are included in that question's statistics.

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