Utilizing Tablet Apps in the Classroom

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About this article

WSU Information Technology Services encourages utilizing tablet apps in the classroom. We want to ensure users have all the information necessary in order to successfully interact with tablets in their classrooms, so this article outlines some of the steps and processes that go into obtaining tablet apps for your classes.

Discovering and Evaluating Course Applications

Searching for that one special application

It's a process to find the apps you want to use for class. Downloading, installing, evaluating, testing, it all takes time. We want to ensure you have access to the resources necessary to determine what apps are right for your class. TLT can offer support for the apps we have experience using, and advice for apps you may be thinking of using. If you want to use an app but think there may be some technical hurdle to getting it into the classroom, Technical Support is here to help you address that. No matter your app need, we want to ensure that utilizing the tablet in your curriculum is easy and effective. We are here to help.

Apps already provided through WSU Apps

All WSU tablets should have the AirWatch MDM Agent application installed and configured. This application allows access to WSU Apps, which is a collection of apps that WSU supports or provides for free to campus tablet users. Below are links to more info on some of the apps that are available to AirWatch-enrolled WSU tablets.

TLT Assistance Available

If you need help finding an app, want to know what others at WSU have tried or just want to talk about the whole process, don't forget that TLT is available. TLT has been collecting data on applications that work well in the classroom environment as well as those that do not. Stop into Maxwell 130 assistance and more information.

Obtaining and Distributing Apps

How to request applications for a course

We want to make it as efficient as possible for your students to obtain their apps. Students will be automatically billed for the cost of the app that your request. If a student has already purchased the app, they do not need to purchase one for your class. Faculty will need to ask their class who does NOT need the app installed and collect their email address(s) to enter into the iPad App Request form.

To order apps for your students, fill out the App Request form to let us know which apps you need and for which course sections they apply. Please fill out a separate form for each app and course section.

iPad App Request Form

Student notification

Your students will receive an email that looks like the sample email below. We are providing this sample so you can verify that the email is not spam, phishing, or junk email.

Tablet Apps for «Course_Section»

From: «IT_Staff's Email Address» To: «Student's WSU Email Address»

This email contains links to download and install your pre-purchased iPad apps for use during «Course_Section» with professor «Professor».

You will not be asked to pay for anything when you click this link, but you may be prompted for your Apple ID password. The app has already been purchased for you and the price for the app will be billed to your student tuition.

Open this email on your iPad and click the link. The iTunes Store will open and prompt you to redeem the code. This will automatically install the app on your iPad. Sometimes it takes a few minutes, please be patient.

This code is a one-time use code for you specifically. Please do not share it.



How teachers obtain apps

When a student receives an app, their student account is billed for the cost. If you need to purchase an app for your class, you must make those arrangements yourself with your department OAS and the business office. [more info to come!]

Utilizing the Apps in Class

TLT assistance available

Tablets offer new ways to teach and learn. Mobile technology allows students and faculty to take their work with them anywhere they go. Collecting data and research in the field is more readily conducted. Tablet applications bring new dimensions to traditional learning through collaboration, interaction and engagement.

If you have questions on how tablets can be used in your curricula, be sure to contact TLT in Maxwell 130, at 507-457-5240 option 4 or by email at tlt@winona.edu.

Tech Support assistance available

Students sometimes have to contact technical support for helping downloading, installing, or using the tablet apps. Technical support is available at WSU in Somsen 207. Students are free to walk-in for assistance or, if they are not on campus, they can call 507-457-5240 or email AskTech@winona.edu for help.

The most common troubleshooting tip is to simply reboot the tablet. Tablets are almost never rebooted unless the battery dies. To reboot a tablet, simply hold down the power button for a few seconds then choose to shut it down. Wait until any on-screen animations are done running and then once the screen has shut off turn the device back on and try the app again. This method works for a lot of the basic problems we see with tablets, including wi-fi connectivity problems, apps not opening or downloading, or apps freezing up.

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