Adding questions and importing questions to a Brightspace Quiz

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Intended Audience

This article is intended for instructors interested in using Brightspace Quiz tool for online assessments in their courses.


The Quiz tool allows you to create new or import quiz questions from other exams or textbook publishers. In this article, you will learn how to add questions to a quiz and pull questions from your Quiz Library for the creation of cumulative or comprehensive examinations.

Adding Questions

The Quiz tool provides instructors many different ways to take advantage of creating, managing, assessing, and improving quiz questions. This process takes time, but the benefits of designing your exams withing the Brightspace Quiz tool will allow you to build on the skills you will learn within this article. To begin to add questions to a quiz

  1. Go to the course you wish to add a quiz and access the Assessments menu and choose the Quizzes.
  2. Select the New Quiz button.
  3. Name your quiz.
  4. Choose the Add/Edit Question button.
  5. Here you will be given the choice to add questions or import questions from an Uploaded File, Question Library, or Import from a Learning Repository.

Manually adding question

  1. Click the Add button and choose New Question.
  2. From the menu select the type of question you would like to add. In the example below a Multiple Choice(see A in the clip below) is shown that gives you the ability to type in the question text(B), possible answers(C), choose the correct answers(D), add more possible answers(E), randomize answers for each student taking the exam(F), and designate the points value for this question(G).

Multiple choice question.JPG

3. Save and Close or in the context menu Save and New or Save and Copy (see H above).

Importing Question

Questions can be pulled from previous exams, Question Libraries, Surveys, Self Assessment, a CSV text file, or Learning Objects Repository (LOR).

Importing from a File

The process of importing questions from a few different file types. A Formatted text file template CSV or IMS QTI compliant course package (ZIP) can be imported as well as importing from a Word file. While the process for importing a quiz question from a Word document is different you can read more about the process in our article Brightspace Quiz Question Converter.

Importaing questions from the Question Library

Importing question form the Question Library is an effective way to create custom quizzes from publishers content or past semesters. To import questions from the Question Library:

  1. Go to the quiz or create a new quiz if you are creating a new exam.
  2. Choose the Add/Edit Question button on the Properties tab (default view).
  3. Select the Import button and choose Brouse Question Library and choose the section(s) or question you would like to import by checking items you want.

Choose the Add button.

  1. At the top of the screen choose the Back to... link that will take you back over to your quiz.
  2. Save and Close and you are done.

Importing from a Learning Repository

Importing question form the Learning Repository is an effective way to create custom quizzes from departmental question repository. To import questions from the Learning Repository: 1. Go to the quiz or create a new quiz if you are creating a new exam. 2. Choose the Add/Edit Question button on the Properties tab (default view). 3. Select the Import button and choose Import from Learning Repository and search for the question you would like to import by checking the radial dial as shown in the clip here.


4. Choose the Add button. 5. At the top of the screen choose the Back to... link that will take you back over to your quiz. 6. Save and Close and you are done.

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