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- 2010 Laptop Cover Skin Design Scholarship Recipient
- 2011-2012 Scholarship Recipients
- ADA Title II Revisions
- ART 365 Campaign Design
- ART 365 Campaign Design - Mah
- About TLT Scheduled Workshops
- Access Brightspace
- Access VoiceThread from Brightspace
- Access a class roster
- Access external websites in LockDown Browser
- Access your Microsoft 365 portal
- Access your Office 365 web portal
- Accessibility Features on iPad
- Accessibility and Privacy Information for Technology Tools
- Accessing ISRS e-Services Class Management
- Accessing LinkedIn Learning on a phone or tablet
- Accessing MediaSpace files as a collaborator
- Accommodate instructors who miss class meetings
- Accommodate students who miss class meetings
- Activate a Brightspace course
- Activate your LinkedIn Learning account
- Activate your Minnesota State Zoom Pro account
- Activate your Minnesota State Zoom Pro host account
- Add Brightspace grade items
- Add Respondus Monitor information to your syllabus
- Add Turnitin to Brightspace assignments
- Add a Brightspace Assignment folder
- Add a MediaSpace recording to a Brightspace course
- Add a content module to a Brightspace course
- Add a content topic to a Brightspace course
- Add a link to the VoiceThread homepage or course view to Brightspace
- Add a survey to your Brightspace course
- Add a video to Brightspace announcements
- Add additional Submission Views
- Add an Outlook calendar to Zoom
- Add an overview to a Brightspace course
- Add and remove Brightspace release conditions
- Add embed code using the Brightspace HTML Editor
- Add feedback to Assignment Submission Folders
- Add feedback to a student's Brightspace assignment submission
- Add images using the Brightspace HTML Editor
- Add links to VoiceThread activities to Brightspace
- Add release conditions to Brightspace announcements
- Add video to Brightspace announcements
- Adding MediaSpace files as Brightspace course content
- Adding MediaSpace files to Brightspace assignment folder submissions
- Adding MediaSpace files to Brightspace discussion posts
- Adding RedShelf content
- Adding TAs and GAs to Brightspace courses
- Adding Videos and Images in Brightspace Content
- Adding a Brightspace Assignment folder
- Adding a OneNote Class Notebook to a Brightspace course
- Adding a Passcode to an iPad
- Adding a Video Note in Brightspace
- Adding a networked printer
- Adding a networked printer on PC (Employee
- Adding a new Brightspace topic by uploading a file
- Adding a personal printer
- Adding an external activity to your contents
- Adding an external link to your Brightspace table of contents
- Adding materials using the HTML Editor Tool
- Adding questions and importing questions to a Brightspace Quiz
- Adding randomizing Sections of Questions to a Brightspace Quiz
- Adding students to your Top Hat course manually
- Adjust grade visibility in Brightspace
- Adjusting Kaltura Capture recording settings
- Administer a poll in a Zoom meeting
- Administer a survey
- Adobe
- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Acrobat DC
- Adobe Acrobat Pro
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Audition
- Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Bridge/Creating a Contact Sheet with Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Bridge/Creating a Web Gallery with Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Adobe Dreamweaver/Hyperlinking and Embedding Media or Documents
- Adobe Dreamweaver/Workspace
- Adobe Edge Animate
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InCopy
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe InDesign/Keyboard Shortcuts
- Adobe InDesign/Time Saving Tips for InDesign
- Adobe Muse
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Photoshop/Advanced Features
- Adobe Photoshop/Basic Picture Edits
- Adobe Photoshop/Fancy Photo Edits
- Adobe Photoshop/Making Animated GIF
- Adobe Photoshop/Making a Web Banner
- Adobe Photoshop/Printing Pictures
- Adobe Photoshop/Saving & Converting File Types
- Adobe Photoshop/Saving and Converting File Types
- Adobe Photoshop/Spot Color
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
- Adobe Prelude
- Adobe Premiere
- Adobe Scout
- Adobe SpeedGrade
- AirWatch
- Airtame
- Airwatch
- Alertus
- Allow all your copied quizzes to load into the Lockdown Browser tab
- Alternative learning activities for remote students
- Annotate a Brightspace assignment submission
- Annotated Creative Commons resources
- Announcements in Brightspace courses
- Antivirus Software
- Antivirus software
- Apple ID
- Apple IDs
- Apple MacBook Air
- Apple MacBook Pro
- Apple iCloud
- Apple iPad
- Apple iPad Mini
- Appropriate Computing
- Archiving your Outlook mailbox
- Art
- Aspen Capital
- Aspen Capital e-Warrior: Digital Life and Learning Scholarships
- Assessing ePortfolios
- Associate a Brightspace activity with a grade book column
- Associating Quizzes with Grade Items
- Attention tracking in Zoom meetings
- Audacity
- Auto Archived Emails in Microsoft 365 Outlook
- Automator
- Awarding badges and certificates
- BIOL 171, 172, and 173 Medical Terminology
- BIOL 209 Microbiology
- BIOL 211-212 Anatomy and Physiology - Hiddinga
- BIOL 211 Anatomy and Physiology I - Garbrecht
- BIOL 310 Genetics - Hiddinga
- BIOL 313 General Ecology Laboratory - Mundahl
- BIOL 320 Ornithology - Mundahl
- BSU AirWatch
- Backing Up Excel Macros on a PC
- Backing Up OneNote Notebooks on a PC
- Backing Up Outlook Email Archives on a PC
- Backing Up Your WSU Mac
- Backing Up Your WSU Mac-Laptop
- Backing Up Your WSU PC Laptop
- Backing Up Your iPad to iCloud
- Backing Up Your iTunes Library on a Mac
- Backing Up an iPad to iCloud
- Backing up Outlook signatures, rules, blocked senders, and junk settings
- Backing up files on your Mac
- Backing up your Apple iPad
- Biology
- Bitlocker Encryption (PC)
- Bitlocker To Go
- Blended courses
- Blended meetings
- Blog
- Bonus points in Brightspace
- Booking your Zoom Meeting in Outlook with a Zoom Room location
- Bookmarks on the iPad
- Brightspace Assignments
- Brightspace Attendance
- Brightspace Competencies Tool
- Brightspace Groups
- Brightspace HTML Editor
- Brightspace HTML Templates
- Brightspace Learning Object Repository
- Brightspace Pulse
- Brightspace Pulse application
- Brightspace Quiz Question Converter
- Brightspace Quizzes
- Brightspace Quizzes basics checklist
- Brightspace Rubrics
- Brightspace Seating Charts
- Brightspace course retention
- Brightspace course retention and purge schedule
- Brightspace course shell creation
- Brightspace for instructors
- Brightspace for students
- Brightspace grade book quick guide
- Brightspace grade item types
- Brightspace notifications
- Brightspace purge schedule
- Brightspace quiz attempts in progress
- Brightspace roles
- Brightspace update schedule
- Bring Your Own Device
- Business Administration
- CHIN 101-201-202 Chinese - Zhang
- CHIN 101 Beginning Chinese - Zhang
- CMST 266-357 Communication Studies - Xu
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 Resources
- COVID In-person Course Readiness Checklist
- COVID In-person Student Readiness Checklist
- CRSPSift
- CS 275 Mathematical Foundations of Algorithms - Gegg-Harrison
- CS 345 Mobile App Development
- CS 345 Mobile App Development - Anderson
- CS 345 Mobile App Development - Gegg-Harrison
- CS 345 Mobile App Development - Gegg-Harrison Anderson
- Calculated vs Adjusted Final Grades in Brightspace
- Calculating Midterm Grades
- Calendar for Mac
- Calendar sharing in Office 365
- Camtasia
- Camtasia Studio 2 for Mac
- Camtasia Studio 8 for PC
- Camtasia for Mac
- Camtasia for PC
- Can I see the new laptop and tablet models?
- Can a high-end tablet functionally replace the laptop in the classroom?
- CaptureSpace Lite screen capture Quickstart
- CaptureSpace Lite webcam Quickstart
- Capturing a Movie on your iPad
- Capturing a Movie on your iPad and uploading to YouTube
- Capturing webcam recordings in MediaSpace
- Capturing webcam recordings in Mediaspace
- Caring for Your Mac
- Caring for Your Macbook
- Cascading Style Sheet
- Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- CashCourse
- Certificate error
- Change list for the Brightspace Content Tool
- Change multi-factor authentication settings for Office 365
- Change scores on completed Brightspace quiz attempts
- Change your primary email address
- Changing Kaltura Capture video layout
- Changing your Curriculog password
- Changing your Qualtrics password
- ChatGPT
- ChatGPT - What You Need to Know
- Chat in Microsoft Teams
- Check Brightspace group enrollment
- Checking hard drive capacity and folder size on your Mac laptop
- Checking hard drive capacity and folder size on your PC laptop
- Checking the status of your mailbox
- Checking your WSU email on the Web
- Checklist in Brightspace Student View
- Checklists
- Chrome
- Class Progress
- Class Storage
- Class Store
- Class Teams sites for teaching
- Class storage
- Classroom Preflight Checklist
- Classroom Report Card
- Classroom Technologies
- Classroom Zoom Spaces
- Classroom Zoom Spaces can be found Here.
- Classroom face covering syllabus statements
- Classroom physical distancing syllabus statements
- Classroom standards
- Classroom support
- Clear everything from your Brightspace courses
- Closed Captioining in Mediaspace
- Closed Captioning in Mediaspace
- Closed captioning in MediaSpace
- Cmap Tools
- Co-Authoring in OneDrive
- Co-curricular experiences
- Codec
- Coffman 103
- CogBooks
- ColdFusion
- Collaborating in MediaSpace
- Collaborating on Qualtrics surveys
- Collaborating with Online Rooms
- College Bound
- College of Business
- College of Education
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Science and Engineering
- Common Terminology in 3D Printing
- Company Portal
- Comparing media production tools
- Computer Domain
- Computer Name
- Computer Science
- Conducting a poll in Zoom
- Conference Room Zoom Spaces
- Conference Room Zoom Spaces can be found Here.
- Configure your Brightspace grade book
- Configuring a Brightspace quiz to use Respondus LockDown Browser
- Connecting Android to WSU Wireless
- Connecting personally-owned laptops to the WSU network
- Content Reports
- Content in Brightspace
- Content in Brightspace Student View
- Continue to set up your new HP Elitebook laptop
- Continue to set up your new MacBook Pro
- Control Panel
- Control Panel Installations (PC)
- Convert Email Addresses in Excel to Outlook Email List
- Converting FLV, AVI, or MP4 Video Files
- Converting FLV or MP4 Video Files
- Copy Emails
- Copy a Brightspace course
- Copy components of a Brightspace course
- Copying Brightspace courses
- Copying and Pasting on iPad
- Copying your Home folder
- Copying your KeePass database
- Copying your iTunes library on a Mac
- Copying your iTunes library on a PC
- Copyright & Fair Use
- Copyright Infringement
- Copyright and Fair Use
- Coronavirus
- Course1
- Course Administration in Brightspace - Importing Content
- Course Reset
- Course communication strategy
- Create Brightspace seating charts
- Create Custom Brightspace Widgets
- Create Microsoft Teams meeting in a Brightspace Course
- Create Random Section in Brightspace Quizzes
- Create Zoom breakout rooms in advance
- Create a Flip group
- Create a Flip topic
- Create a Free Apple ID
- Create a calculated grade item
- Create a formula grade item
- Create a new content page in your course
- Create a numeric grade item
- Create a pass fail grade item
- Create a seating chart
- Create a select box grade item
- Create a text grade item
- Create recurring Zoom sessions
- Create self enrollment Brightspace discussion groups
- Creating DLC Fall 2017 Class Projects/Charissa Eaton
- Creating Quiz Questions
- Creating Quiz Reports: Item Analysis
- Creating a Qualtrics account
- Creating a Question Library
- Creating a Samsung ID and Google ID for Samsung Tab 2 Configuration